Posts tagged with “Advertising

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For the Rest of Us

May 9, 2014  •  5 min readStill from Apple's Your Verse ad
Apple's recent advertising campaigns "Your Verse" and "Powerful" aren't just commercials—they're rallying cries for the faithful. As a long-time Apple fan and former employee, I see these ads following in the footsteps of the legendary "Think Different" campaign, serving to inspire existing users rather than convert new ones.
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Walking Over The Same Ground

April 13, 2013  •  1 min read
Watching the premiere of _Mad Men_ season six, I _loved_ that Peggy Olson blasted her creative team for bringing her three variations on the same idea. These are words to remember.
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The Benefits of Having One Agency

November 11, 2009  •  3 min read
There's been a lot of chatter in recent weeks about how so-called "digital" agencies are or are not ready to be the lead for a campaign. But I think the question is a little off.
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Do Big Ideas Still Matter? Yes.

July 21, 2009  •  3 min readIllustration of a lightbulb with a crown
In the age of digital and social media, and in the age of realtime marketing, what matters more? The big idea or the smaller idea and execution?
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Concept != Layout

July 13, 2009  •  2 min read
Fellow Razorfisher and social media guru Shiv Singh asks, in the age of social media, do big ideas matter less? Truth be told, I've been thinking about how to craft my reaction to this since I first read a similar tweet from Michael Lebowitz, CEO of Big Spaceship…
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Creation with a Crowd

April 18, 2009  •  4 min read
While sites like crowdSPRING represent the problematic side of creative crowdsourcing—asking designers to work for free—there are ethical ways to harness collective creativity. Through examples like Weezer's collaborative songwriting and Intel's Mass Animation project, I explore how voluntary participation and fair compensation can make crowdsourced creativity work.
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Sell the Horseshit

February 12, 2009  •  2 min read
Yesterday the design and advertising community was abuzz over the leaked presentation deck for the new Pepsi logo by the Arnell Group. Yes it is absolutely a work of pure horseshit. But, I was reminded of the decks that my colleagues and I create every day and how somebody's horseshit may be someone else's chocolate cake.